I invited him to dinner but he declined on account of urgent business. 我请他吃饭,但他因有急事婉谢了。
Unfortunately I have had to leave my position on account of the discoutinuance of the business. 由于公司停业,我不得不离开而另寻工作。
Schools wanting to offer greater depth in their teaching of social entrepreneurship also need to find the right faculty professors who can modify their finance, marketing or accounting classes to take account of pro-poor business models. 希望在社会创业教学方面加强深度的商学院,还必须物色合适的教师队伍这些教授能够调整自己的金融、市场营销或会计课程,纳入扶贫商业模式。
( finance) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date. (金融)在一个指定日期商业纯利润的户头。
The money will be credited to your account by the end of business tomorrow. 这笔钱将于明天营业结束之前转入你的账户。
The report puts part of the blame on major corporations, saying they didn't run themselves properly or take into account the risks of some of their business plans. 报告将部分责任推到主要的公司上,声称他们没有良好的自我经营,也没有考虑到他们的一些商业计划中的风险。
Careful thought should go into ensuring sound financial regulation going forward, which takes account of business cycles. 以后应该通过谨慎的设计来保证有效的金融调控,其中考虑到业务周期。
In the property account of a business account book, the name, type, price, quantity, and the location where relevant property is kept shall be indicated. 商业帐簿所记载之财物帐户,应载明其名称、种类、价格、数量及其存置地点。
Repeat order account for much of our business. 续订货占了我们生意的很大部分。
If governments want growth, they have to take account of the needs of the business community. 如果各级政府希望经济增长,他们必须考虑商界的需要。
Those things which rarely happen are not to be taken into account in the transaction of business without sufficient reason. 在处理事物时,除非有足够的根据,否则就不应当去考虑那些罕有发生的事情。
She invited me to dinner, but I declined on account of urgent business. 她请我吃饭,但我因有急事谢绝了。
On account of the discontinuance of business at the company, I left the office. 因为公司效益不景气,所以我辞职了。
He was in the blues on account of his failure in business. 他因事业失败而意志消沉。
"Nay," he said," you don't get off as easy as that, my lad. we've got to have a full account of this business." “不行”他说,“小子,你休想这么便宜就脱身。这件事你得向我们讲讲清楚。”
Prepare the account of a business. 为企业准备帐目。
Life assurers are so alarmed about the inclusion on the list of variable annuities financial products that account for significant chunks of their business that they have demanded regulators single out the topic and hold a dedicated meeting on it. 寿险公司对于可变年金(占寿险公司很大一部分业务的金融产品)被列入表中十分震惊,他们要求监管机构就这个主题专门召开一个会议进行讨论。
Call business accounting of course summary table the form again, collect summary table of proof of total staff charge to an account regularly according to proof of charge to an account, seize the form of accountant business accounting that always classifies Zhang with registering. 又称科目汇总表核算形式,根据记账凭证定期汇总编制记账凭证汇总表,并据以登记总分类账的会计核算形式。
Retained earnings is the corporation account that carries the balance of the business's net income less its net losses from operations and less any declared dividends accumulated over the corporation's lifetime. 留存收益帐户用来记载公司经营中的累计净利润减去净损失和累计宣告的所有股利后的于额。
Proper account should be taken of confidential business information. 对于商业机密的信息,须做适当的考虑。
In the course of system design, it fully takes in account of business demanding of VIC and satisfying the need to data statistics and analysis. 在系统设计过程中,充分考虑新车中心的业务要求,满足新车中心对业务统计分析的需要,如对各家保险公司每天保费数据的统计等。
Differentiation and Analysis of "Profit Distribution" Account On the Distribution of Business Earnings 利润分配账户辨析企业收益分配论
The project has developed a customer service module 178 of the private business process, the paper forward exchange settlement and sales for the business process module as an example, a detailed account of the needs of the business process analysis, development and design. 该项目为客户开发了对私业务模块178个业务流程,本论文针对远期结售汇业务模块的业务流程作为示例,详细讲解了业务流程的需求分析、开发设计。
Analysis the network selection models under various states, full account of the important role of the business types and user policies in the network selection. 在网络选择方面,本文提出了一种基于动态权重的异构网络选择新算法DWSA,分析各种状态下的网络选择模型,全面考虑了业务类型和用户策略在网络选择中的重要作用。
Broadband access network construction also should take full account of the regional business development, the different network resources and the capacity of investment. According to business needs, priorities and local conditions, the development strategy and construction models should be diversity. 宽带接入网建设还应充分考虑各区域业务发展、网络资源的差异以及投资承受能力,根据业务需求的轻重缓急,因地制宜地实施差异化的发展策略和建设模式。
Firstly, the packet scheduling mechanism in time-division multiplexing wireless network with time-varying environment is studied. Taking into account the diversity of business needs of future users, discussion takes data business and voice business as example, respectively. 论文首先针对时变环境下时分复用的无线网络分组调度机制进行了研究,考虑到日后用户业务需求的多样性,以数据类业务和语音类业务为例分别展开讨论。
The overall program is fully taking into account these features of the margin trading business. 本文的整体方案充分考虑了融资融券业务的这一特征,使方案开展更符合业务特征。